
Dr. Sergio De Martino
Sergio De Martino is a skilled therapist.
Graduated in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation at S. University in Naples.
He worked as official therapist of Capri Sports Tennis Academy, of Anacapri Football Club and of FIN (Italian swimming federation).
In 2008 he opens Physio lab, center for rehabilitation and physiotherapy.

Dott.ssa Monica De Martino
Monica de Martino graduated in physical education, qualified in massage therapy and as a personal trainer.
Specialized in corrective exercises and postural and in wellness treatments such as massages and facial treatments.
Our center

The success of the center lies in the highly motivated and well qualified staff who works in partnership with the clients, and in close collaboration with the medical practitioners aiming towards successful rehabilitation adding life and quality to the years of life. Our center is located in Via Li Curti 2/A, a typical narrow path along Via delle Botteghe. You can easily get Physio Lab from the famous square (also known as Piazzetta) on foot ,it takes only two minutes.
Our brand

Physio lab brand was conceived in order to communicate the innovitve aspect of the center. The symbol represents a female silhouette laying, in a relaxing way, on an imaginary Capri. The brand at the same time is elegant and modern trasmitting the high quality service. The colours chosen recall Capri sea and the techniques equipment of the center.